Apple TV Game Console is a Must Have

Rumors of the next-gen Apple TV have been circulating for quite a while now. Also, the Apple console rumors have been going around for about the same time. So far, the year 2013 has gone by without much of a flutter in the Apple campus. Proposed new products are constantly being pushed to the back burner.

While I’ve been waiting impatiently for the iWatch, it may not hit the market until 2014 at the very least. So as far as I think, Apple must be in search of a product that can be added to the product shelf this year. What can that product be?

Apple Console
The Apple TV /console can be the ideal product to compete with the next generation gaming consoles from Microsoft and Sony. If the Apple console hits the market, then we can expect some major disturbances in sales patterns of Sony and Microsoft. Amazon and Google consoles are on the cards and it’s high time Apple too made an appearance with its own console.

An actual television with Apple hardware is still a long way to go, but the Apple TV box could sure use a soup up. I mean, even if the additional hardware causes the price to rise, people would still be looking to buy it since, well, since it is Apple. Let us examine some of the reasons why an Apple TV console would be a good choice.

  • MFI controllers
    iOS7 will allow stick-and-button console controllers. Apple TV can use AirPlay and provide the required hardware support for it. The Apple TV with game controls without the need for a mediating device is something special.
  • Apple already has a complete host of game developers
    Apple platform has probably the biggest portfolio of developers as compared to the other platforms. The profit potential for this market is almost unlimited, especially if the games can be made available across platforms to be used on iPhones as well as iPads.
  • Apple’s pricing strategy
    Apple’s aggressive pricing strategy has already dethroned Nintendo Wii. A less expensive Apple TV console would spell doom for Xbox and Sony Playstation in the long run. The experience would be very different from what you are normally used to but odds are that a majority of people would prefer using an Apple TV over others.
  • Second screen gaming is already a reality
    Apple TV’s AirPlay gaming already showed us the experience of the second screen. The second screen concept from Apple has the potential to expand into a whole new gaming platform.
  • Plenty of features for non-gamers
    The PS4 and Xbox One, in spite of all their many features, are basically just consoles. The Apple TV/ console will be capable of providing a host of services for users. With video apps and other content, Apple TV/ console can take gaming to a new level.

If they do launch such a console, I would be ready to buy it. Would you?

Aleksandra Mednikova

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