‘Disney Animated’ App – Disney Magic Brought to Your Fingertips

Disney’s iconic movies held a special place in my heart while growing up. The Jungle Book and The Lion King were two of my personal favorites. I can safely assume anybody from my generation always had Disney games to keep them company during their wonder years. The spectacular canvas of Disney captured some of the best told stories for our pleasure. These stories have been a part and parcel of our lives. Now Disney has brought out an app to further captivate the audiences of our generation and the next.

‘Disney Animated’ App

Disney Animated

Disney Animated’ is an application for iPad created by the Walt Disney studios. The app gives you some unparalleled behind-the-scene shots of 52 Disney films over the years. Previously unseen footage has also been added to the app to inspire the latest generation of graphics artists and animators. Made like an interactive how-to book, its sections are represented by buttons in the form of a popular Disney clip. The app covers various sections like visual development, story and character development, and even music design.

Each section is followed by an accompanying overview of topics in a book-like presentation. Tapping the introduction will take you into a detailed explanation along with the related animation material. A sample clip from ‘Snow White’ without its many audio effects seems like a pathos scene rendering, when in fact it is a pleasant and happy scene. This essentially signifies the part audio effects play in making movies.

Color Map

One of the most epic features of this application is the color map. Each and every frame from every one of Disney’s iconic movies has been fitted onto a single page as a blur of colors. The color map is a contraction of 75 glorious years of Disney movies making it about 10 million hours of playtime. Each frame opens with a soundtrack from the original film as accompaniment.

More to Explore

Part of the purpose of the Disney animation application is to finally release previously unseen images and clips from the Disney archives. These clips and images will be a good starting off point for budding artists to carry out their experiments. Storyboards and character sketches offer an inside look into how the films were before they were done. You can even explore some popular Disney titles on the app’s timeline. The Disney Animation application features multiple interaction points that make animation into a more than fun episode.

The $13.99 price tag on the Disney Animation application is on the expensive side, but the magical experience that you experience through this app is something beyond belief. You will surely find this app hard to quit.

Aleksandra Mednikova

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