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Who Made the iPhone?

The iPhone has been one of the bestselling smartphones of all time thanks to its simple design, excessive functionality and the accompanying App Store where millions of distinct applications can be downloaded or purchased. The history and development of the iPhone dates back to 2004 when the Apple design team started work on the smartphone that would truly cement Apple as a global company and smartphone competitor.

Early Developments

In 2004 Apple decided to develop a smartphone to compete with the many other phones currently on the market that were offering video, photo ability and a touch-screen interface. Apple assembled a team of over 1000 employees to work on a top-secret project named “Project Purple.” Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple wanted to shift the focus away from the development of a tablet device and towards the development of a smartphone. Apple worked closely with AT&T Mobility (then Cingular Wireless) to design a phone that could be used on their network. The design and development phase took 30 months and cost an estimated $150 million.

Apple had previous attempts at developing a successful smartphone, although most of these attempts were chalked up as failures because the phone never caught on or wasn’t a commercial success. Instead of using traditional design features AT&T gave Apple the liberty to design a phone from the ground up using software and hardware developed by Apple. In exchange AT&T was to be the sole carrier for the Apple iPhone for at least four years after the first iPhone was launched.

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iPad Magazines

The iPad has consistently been one of the best-selling tablets on the market since its release in 2010. Its popularity stems from the plethora of apps, both free and paid that are available in the app store, the official store run by Apple that sells all the apps available for the many different Apple devices. Reading magazines on your iPad is now possible thanks to the many digitalized magazine offerings available in the app store.

History of Digital Magazines

Prior to the advent of the iPad in 2010, the idea of digitalized magazines floated around quite a bit but never materialized fully. eBooks were already beginning to become popular prior to the advent of the iPad, although after the iPad was released eBook sales and “iBook” sales increased greatly. Digital magazines became popular after the iPad was released because of the way the app store allowed magazine editors and publishers to offer their magazines in a digital format. Today the app store has many different magazine titles available and a number of dedicated apps for reading and viewing digital magazines on the iPad.

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Apple Market Share is Growing

While technology giant Apple is currently very busy with the iPhone 5s and cheap iPhone, on the other hand is trying to bounce back the stock exchange shares. According to the rumors Apple’s first man, CEO Tim Cook is responsible for the fall of stock exchange share prices.
Apple announced financial results of the second quarter of 2013. The results were satisfactorily good for the iPhone and the iPad side. According to the announcement, 37.4 million iPhones (35.1 million sold in the 2nd quarter of 2012) and 19.5 million in the iPad (11.8 million sold in the 2nd quarter of 2012) have sold. With these numbers, we can see an incredible growth in tablet market.
According to IDC Apple market share grew to 25.1 percent worldwide in 2012.

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What is HDR on iPhone 5 and how it will Improve your Photos

The iPhone 5 has been touted as having one of the highest-quality cameras for taking photos of any smartphone on the market. So What is HDR on iPhone 5? The iPhone 5 makes use of exclusive HDR (high dynamic range) technology to produce images that are deeper, richer, and clearer than any photos we’ve seen from a smartphone before. The HDR technology included with the iPhone 5 allows the camera to snap multiple photos in quick succession and then combine them together to produce an image that is of the best possible quality.

Close up Portraits

HDR technology excels when taking pictures of objects at close range. The high dynamic range setting will snap multiple photos in extremely quick succession. It usually takes three photos of the same object and then quickly extracts the best parts from each image and combines them into a new image that is deeper, richer, and has more saturated colors than a regular photo. HDR is best for outdoor portraits where the subject and background have distinct and harsh lighting differences

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The most Popular iPad Accessories

iPad accessories can turn the iPad from an ordinary tablet into an extraordinary tablet. There are numerous accessories available, and each serves a different purpose and function. Soon after the original iPad was released in 2010 developers and designers quickly went to work towards creating, designing and producing many different types of accessories. The most popular iPad accessories include cases, keyboards, speakers and headrest mounts.

iPad Cases

Protecting your iPad is important because of the high costs associated with purchasing a new one or repairing a damaged one. Purchasing an iPad case is a quick, easy and economical way to protect your iPad and keep it in good shape. Cases some in all types of varieties, although for best protection look for cases made of polycarbonate. Some cases also double as keyboards with a protective case on the backside and an integrated keyboard on the front. Here are the 2 most popular iPad case picks from iPhonePedia:

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iPhone Software Update

As one of the smartest and most powerful phones on the market, the various iPhone models rely on an equally powerful and smart operating system to operate and function correctly. Dubbed iOS by virtually everybody in the industry, there have been many versions of the operating system released since the first iPhone was launched in 2007. The latest version is iOS 6, which is in use on the iPhone 5. Apple released software updates for the iPhone, iPod, iPad and other Apple products on a fairly consistent basis. Keeping your phone’s software up to date is extremely important so you can get full functionality and use out of your phone.

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iPad Use in the Classroom

As one of the most popular and best-selling tablets on the market today, people have found literally thousands of uses for the iPad. Popular uses include for entertainment, business, social media and educational. This article will focus particularly on the educational aspect of the iPad, and how it is being used in schools around the United States to help kids learn faster and more effectively.

History of iPad Use in the Classroom

Even though the iPad was only released 3 years ago it is already finding its way into classrooms in the United States. Teachers, parents and educational professionals realize that kids learn more effectively and quickly when they can use technology to learn. Many realize the days of a chalkboard and paper/pencil combination is coming to an end as the iPad and other tablets make their way forward. It has been proven in various studies that kids who use iPads in the classroom are better able to retain the information they learn, and they are better at putting the information to use in the real world and on tests.
Why iPads are used in Education

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iPhone Market Share

Many people understand the iPhone is one of the most popular smartphones on the face of the planet, but what many people don’t realize is just how popular the phone actually is. According to a recent report the iPhone market share was 25% of all smartphone sales in 2012. This is incredible when you think about how many other competing phones are currently on the market.

Reason for 25%

Many people find it mind-blowing that a single model of phone can own a quarter of the entire smartphone market around the world. To put it another perspective 1 out of every 4 smartphone owners owns an iPhone. This is compared to the millions of Android powered phones produced by different companies, and the other types of smartphones also available such as BlackBerry and Nexus. While the iPhone is popular, many people struggle to answer the question of why it’s so popular. While this question isn’t easy to answer, the recurring answer is because of the wide array of apps and other programs that can be installed onto the iPhone. The Apple App Store has over 775,000 different apps, both free and paid which can be downloaded onto all the latest iPhone models. Another reason is because of the massive advertising campaign that Apple put together to promote the iPhone. Apple spent nearly 1 billion dollars so far advertising and promoting the iPhone using a variety of venues such as television advertising, internet promotion and radio spots.

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Why iPad Stylus are Making a Comeback

The iPad is one of the most popular tablets on the market today for a variety of reasons. There are numerous accessories that go along with the iPad such as covers, keyboards, headphones and more. A very important and popular accessory among iPad owners are styli. These are virtual pens which allow you to use the iPad as if it were a piece of virtual paper. Drawing and writing with the stylus is easier than using your finger, and allows for complete control over what you’re writing or drawing.

History of Stylus

Stylus have been in use for decades, as they were first used on BlackBerry phones and other early PDA type devices to make it easier to select options on the menu or select something in particular. A stylus is an instrument that resembles a pen. It is used to manipulate the touchscreen of smartphones and tablets to make selecting small items easier. It can also be used with a variety of apps on the iPad that allow for drawing and sketching. The stylus is great to use if you have abnormally large fingers, or shaky hands that make it difficult to use the touch screen normally.

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When to Buy the iPhone 5

Ever since the iPhone 5 was released in late 2012 many people have upgraded from previous iterations of the iPhone to the newest model. Deciding when to buy the iPhone 5 can be a difficult decision for most people, especially if they already have a previous version such as the iPhone 4 or 4s that is still in perfect operating condition.

After Contract Expires

Many people have contracts with major cellular providers that run on a monthly or yearly basis. When the contract expires they are often offered incentives to re-up their contract. One of these benefits is the ability to purchase a new phone for a steeply discounted price. While the iPhone 5 retails for almost $650, it can be purchased for as low as $250 if you combine it with the renewal of your cell phone contract. If you have a contract that is about to expire, contact your wireless provider and inquire about discounts you may be entitled to towards the purchase of an iPhone 5.

Sales and Discounts

Oftentimes phone retailers will have discounts and other promotions in an effort to clear out old inventory. While the iPhone 5 is currently the latest iPhone model, there are oftentimes promotions from retailers in an effort to get people to purchase the phone. Some of these promotions come in the form of a certain percentage off discount, while others require you to bundle certain items or start a contract with a cellular provider. Purchasing an iPhone 5 during a retailer promotional period is a great way to get a new iPhone 5 for a discounted price.

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iPhone 5 Jailbreak

While jailbreaking your iPhone is often a contentious and controversial action, many people do it anyway to unlock their iPhone 5 so it can run on different networks, run different applications, and have more overall functionality. Apple has cracked down on jailbreaking and has made it more difficult with the iPhone 5, although it is still possible with the right software.

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iPhone 5 Accessories

The iPhone 5 is already a good phone in its own right, but you can improve the looks, performance and functionality of your phone by purchasing and using a variety of accessories including iPhone 5 cases, speaker docks, headphones and more. There are literally hundreds of different accessories that have been created for the iPhone 5 since it was released last year. Let’s look at the some most popular iPhone 5 accessories;

iPhone 5 Cases

One of the most popular types of iPhone 5 accessories are the protective cases that can be purchased and used. Many people who purchase an iPhone 5 also purchase a protective case to go with it because of the added benefit you receive of protecting your iPhone and keeping it in good condition. Purchasing a protective case will benefit your phone in a variety of ways. First, it will protect it from damage caused by impacts associated with drops and falls. Second, they help protect your screen against scratches, chips and other damage. Some of the most popular iPhone 5 cases are:
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What is LTE on iPhone and How does It Improve a Cellular Network

The technology of cell phone networks has been changing and evolving in recent years, and with the advent of LTE technology the cellular networking world has entered a new realm of technology advancement. So What is LTE on iPhone? LTE, which stands for long term evolution, is the newest standard for wireless communication. It is commonly branded as 4G LTE, and it’s based on previous networks such as 3G and GSM/EDGE. The LTE network is much faster than previous networks, and many networks in the United States and around the world are expanding their existing 3G coverage to include 4G LTE for faster data transfer and faster downloads/uploads.

When was LTE first developed

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iPhone Games

The iPhone is popular among the general public for a variety of reasons, but perhaps the biggest selling point is the tens of thousands of games available in the official App Store. The App Store contains thousands of different games, both free and paid which can be downloaded and played on the iPhone. There are numerous types of games available ranging from kids games to adult, with each having a different target audience.

History of Mobile Games

Games have been incorporated into cell phones ever since the advent of LCD screen technology and computer chips which could process moving graphics. Early phones only included a few games such as solitaire, minesweeper and bowling which were pre-installed onto the phone. After the advent of the smart phone in the early 21st century more advanced and sophisticated games started to become available for the phones. The invention of the iPhone in 2007 and the subsequent launch of the official App Store hailed the way forward for games that were more sophisticated and featured better graphics.

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Deciding Which iPhone to Buy

Deciding which iPhone to buy can be a difficult decision, especially when you take into consideration there are currently three models in production and available for sale. The oldest model is the iPhone 4, followed by the iPhone 4S and finally the newest model, the iPhone 5. Deciding which model to purchase is made more difficult by surfacing rumors of a super-cheap iPhone model which may or may not be released in the future.

iPhone 4

The iPhone 4 was released on June 24th, 2010. This phone was a direct successor to the iPhone 3GS and features a 3.5 inch touchscreen display along with improved graphics, processor and storage features over its predecessor. The iPhone 4 can still be purchased today from a variety of sources and it’s still offered by the official Apple Store. This phone is good if you just need a phone for calling, texting, playing games and keeping your life organized at a low price.

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What is Retina Display

Apple has been known to come up with a wide array of technology and innovation through the years. They were one of the first companies to make a personal computer that was accepted and purchased by the masses, and they were the creators of the enormously popular iPod, iPad and iPhone devices. Apple has recently unveiled their Retina Display on a select number of devices. A retina display is in theory one in which the user can notice no pixilation of an image at a given distance.

What is Retina Display?

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How to Extend iPhone 5 Battery Life

The iPhone 5 is one of the most popular and best-selling smartphones on the market today, with millions being sold each week. The battery life of the iPhone 5 is one of the best in the industry. While apple claims up to 10 hours of battery life while watching videos, 8 hours if talking on the phone and 8 hours while surfing the internet, many testers have found the actual life to be somewhere around 7 hours 15 minutes during actual real-world tests. So how to extend iPhone 5 battery life? Here are few solutions for extending iPhone 5’s battery:

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How iPod Armband Improves Functionality

The iPod armband is one of the most popular accessories purchased for the iPod. It allows you to secure the iPod to your arm for use while exercising, running or jogging. The idea for the armband was developed shortly after the original iPod was released. Since so many people used the iPod to listen to music while exercising, developers created an ingenious device that could hold the iPod securely into place while you exercised. Putting the iPod in your pocket may work for some, but the headphones are simply not long enough to offer full range of motion when the iPod is so far down.


The original iPod

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When is iOS 7 Release Date

While the current iOS 6 system used on all of Apple’s modern devices was released recently there are already rumors swirling around about the next installment of the iOS series. iOS 7 is currently scheduled for release sometime in September or October of 2013, although the exact date of release is currently unknown. There are many expectations related to the new OS, especially what the next system will feature and if the maps feature from iOS 6, which was mostly a failure will be fixed.

History of iOS
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How iPad Books are Changing the Way People Read

eBooks are digital books that can be read on the iPad. They can be purchased from the app store and downloaded onto your iPad for later reading. There are numerous types of books available for purchasing, with almost every single popular paperback book having a digital version as well.

The History of iPad Books

The history of iPad books date back many decades, with the first eBooks originating in the 1980s and 1990s. In 1992 Sony launched their Data Discman, which was capable of displaying print from electronic books stored on CDs. eBooks never became popular until the advent of the internet in the late 90s, which made it much easier to sell, purchase and distribute eBooks among internet users. The eBook and iPad book revolution took off in the late 2000s after the advent of the Amazon Kindle and the iPad, which could display eBooks in extremely high resolutions.

App Store iBooks
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Where to Buy iPhone

Making the decision towards purchasing an iPhone is the first step in owning a phone that incorporates some of the most advanced technology that has ever been seen in smartphone design. Your next hurdle towards owning an iPhone will be deciding where to purchase it. You have many options including from the official Apple Store, purchasing online through retailers such as Amazon, purchasing from a private party or you can buy iPhone through a wireless service carrier.

Apple Store
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