Top 10 iPhone Must Have Apps

Top 10 iPhone must have apps

The iPhone was the first device to really unleash the power of applications on smart phones, and just a few months ago they surpassed the 1 billion download milestone. Here are a list of 10 of the iPhone must have apps available right now – apps that you simply cannot live without.

Pandora – Allowing you to stream music 100% for free to your phone over your wireless or cellular connection

Angry Birds – The game that revolutionized smart phone gaming forever, everybody loves Angry Birds.

The Gmail App – While you could certainly get away with using the integrated iPhone mail app, it’s not nearly as good as having the Gmail app and all of its included features.

Skype – FaceTime is fun, but having the ability to videoconference with anyone and everyone who has a front facing video camera on their smart phone – or is sitting at that desktop, working with a laptop, or playing on their tablet – is so much better.

Evernote – Allowing you to collect notes on just about anything and everything that comes your way all in one of the easiest to use folder styles ever released (not to mention the ability to OCR all of your notes, transcribe audio messages, read QR codes, and almost anything else), it’s impossible to imagine the iPhone without Evernote.

Instagram – Because of the amazing amount of design and research that went into the iPhone’s cameras it would be a shame to waste their functionality without having a proper place to store, edit, and share them – something that Instagram allows right out of the box.

Facebook – The number one social media network in the world for reason, it’s impossible to consider what smart phones would be without tight Facebook integration – and the odds are that anyone using an iPhone out public is probably jumping on Facebook anyways.

Twitter – Ditto to everything above, Twitter is like text messaging on steroids – allowing you instant access and communication with all of your friends, family members, and even complete and total strangers including celebrities, athletes, and other famous folks all over the planet.

Remember the Milk – Super simple and straightforward, this task list generator is one of the most useful apps ever released to the iPhone world.

Mint – The be-all end-all of personal finance applications on the iPhone, you’ll be able to sync your mint account with all of your other bank accounts, credit cards, investment accounts, or financial details to know exactly how much money you have an any given time, where you’re spending it, and how your budget is looking for this month, week, or day.

Aleksandra Mednikova

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